Here is my developer story
Senior software engineer
Joined a team of 4 as a Senior Software Engineer to oversee the operations of a 12-member engineering team and a 50-member customer success team, while also managing the main component of the roaming software. This effort led to a notable achievement in 2022, contributing to the management of nearly 1 Petabyte of network traffic in the North American mobile telecommunications market.
Backend software engineer
Engaged in full-time collaboration with the mobile network infrastructure team. One notable aspect of the software being developed here is its commitment to maintaining the utmost standards of stability and availability, while also retaining a foundation of adaptability. This strategic approach is of paramount importance, given the necessity to seamlessly integrate diverse networks across the globe as required. The expectation for code quality remains exceedingly high, with a focus on delivering pristine code in every pull request and master merge.
Machine Learning
ML Certificate of Accomplishment
Graded 92% on this online non-credit course authorized by Stanford University and offered through Coursera. We've covered Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Regularization to prevent overfitting during training, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Unsupervised Learning, Anomaly Detection, Recommender Systems and Photo OCR. The final work of this course was training a network to control the wheel of a vehicle to make it self-drive following the road.
Upgrading a production system in hot and in a massive scale

Backend compatible lossless upgrade
Helped to design and implement the migration process of a dynamically scalable service from AWS to GCloud. Once the service was migrated to GCloud, the upgrades where backward compatible and lossless. The clients started to consume the new API version organically and the new API servers got globally balanced adding server instances and collapsing the deprecated ones as required.
Ad-tech in high scale

Full-stack developer at Sulvo
Architected and implemented the next-generation app that is serving +1.2 billion transactions per month. Part of the innovation team making features and dealing with the challenges that add value to this platform used by premium users in the Ad industry. Full-stack with JavaScript (ES6) and DevOps using CloudFlare, CI, Docker, GCloud and AWS.
Native mobile and full-stack development

AppStore iOS Swift App and Admin webapp
Published a native iOS application. For this particular app it was required Swift for the iOS app and the following frameworks: MapKit, FBSDKLoginKit, SwiftyJSON, ToastSwiftFramawork, Async and Bolts. And for its admin web app, it was used Meteor with SemanticUI.
Native mobile development

CS193P, Stanford University
Learned the basics of Swift by learning to develop apps on iOS. This allowed me to release an app in the AppStore which used MapKit, FacebookSDK, JSON, multithreading and low-latency sound.
Encouraging the startup culture among smalltalkers
Smalltalk for Startups
A talk at the Smalltalks 2014 meetup to link the Startup opportunities with Smalltalk opportunities. Also, flow's public presentation and demo.
Open-sourced full-stack framework
Published flow as an open-source project with a mission. Flow's mission is to provide consultants, startups and software houses with a competitive Smalltalk full-stack framework that allows them to quickly deliver a demo with all the modern html5.
Open-sourced persistence framework
Published Mapless as an open-source project. Persistence with very low maintenance. For real. No instVars. No getters and no setters - just models that can be saved. Mapless is a persistence framework with zero Object-Relational-Impedance-Mismatch on your data.
Lots of frontend and some full-stack development
Full-stack developer at StarterSquad
At StarterSquad worked in various teams and projects with many stacks. Among them Angular, Meteor, ExpressJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, RESTful APIs, Swift and flow.
Design Thinking
Design Thinking Action Lab
I gained valuable insights through my experience with Leticia Britos Cavagnaro during Stanford's Design Thinking Action Lab. Initially intended to enhance the startup creation and innovation stages, I discovered its significance extended beyond that scope. It emerged as a crucial asset, particularly in guiding the Customer Development and Prototyping phases.
Hospitality Industry
Lead conversion for back-office processing with seaside web app. Integrated the API of a highly customized CRM with a Seaside based web app and the admin dashboard to process hundreds of leads for the hospitality industry in this region.
I was involved in leading, organizing, fundraising, creating partnerships and coordinating volunteers and providers to make the first TEDx event in the incredible Iguassu Falls. The event was sold-out.
Being a startup founder
Airflowing was a web application that provided management to service companies. With an original UI design and simplicity in mind, it allowed the operations team to coordinate jobs, tasks and finances across different teammates. It was a simple yet end-to-end solution for small businesses. It ran on Pharo Smalltalk, jQuery, Aggregates, OmniBase object persistence achieving scalable and subsecond server-side rendering speeds. Shutdown in 2015.
Feature out of a Berkeley's paper
Implementing Cheshire II
Developed a product for medical practice management including functions that were quite an innovation at the time like efficient video capture of various medical instruments used in different exams. Also organizing the medical records storage with probabilistic indexing based on U.C. Berkeley's Cheshire II catalog design, a feature that allowed sub-second non-boolean searches and results presented in order of relevance. All that developed using Dolphin Smalltalk.
Client-server architecture in the aftermarket industry
Ford parts e-commerce
As an independent consultant, developed an e-commerce application for Cromosol S.A., a leader in the Argentinean cars and trucks aftermarket. The application had a very simple to use user interface, designed to help Cromosol’s clients to see always updated prices with their stock availability and send parts requests.
Road toll system
Toll system
Project Leader at TEING, an industrial control systems company. The developed product was a Smalltalk based system to manage and control toll processing in a Road Concession Company. The software-controlled custom hardware devices like barriers, alarms, beacons, fiscal printers, hubs, axle counters and more. In those industrial environments, getting parts of the system offline due to thunderbolts is a common occurrence, so the system also had high-performance requirements with several fault-tolerant strategies that allowed the system to operate in real-time and also with the server offline. All that running on Dolphin Smalltalk.
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I'm confident I can add a lot of value to your team